Tulipwood (Dalbergia, ddecipuloria)
Trade Names: Boise de Rose, Pan Rosa
Origin: South America
Range: South America, primarily in Eastern Brazil in the lower tropical rain forests. Very seldom used as veneer wood since the tree only grows to a small diameter. Used extensively for borderwood in reproduction furniture.
Uses: High quality architectural woodwork, in demand as inlay wood (France), architectural wood for furniture, paneling and luxury products.
Properties: The heartwood is yellow with irregular reddish streaks, stripes or with patches which fade when exposed to light and air. Nevertheless, very decorative. Due to the small diameter often has defects and split heart. Therefore, only suitable for occasional and inlay furniture, seldom used for architectural woodwork.
Machining: Since this wood is very hard, sharp tools are essential. The wood splits easily and tears when the feed speed is too high. Cleanly planed surfaces on the other hand are very smooth and have a light lustrous finish.
Seasoning: Drying should not be too quick to avoid later losses through checking. Bahia Rosewood is not prone to warping.
![A typical specimen for Tulipwood (Dalbergia, ddecipuloria)](/WebData/SpeciesIndex/All Colors/TULIPWOOD.jpg)