Interwood Forest Products

Tineo (Weinmannia, trichosperma)

Similiar Woods:  Red Gum, Australian Myrtle, Apple

Trade Names:  Tineo, Palo Santo

Origin:  Chile

Range:  From the middle to the Southern most point of Chile in elevations up to 6000 usually growing on the southern sides of slopes or with a vegetation cover which filters light. In humid areas with abundant rainfall in acidic soil high in organic content.

Uses:  Furniture, flooring, and as decorative veneers.

Properties:  This tree has a large percentage of sapwood and a small percentage of heartwood rarely exceeding 50% of its volume. The bark is used for curing wounds and the flowers from the tree can produce honey. The wood itself is extremely hard and strong.

Machining:  It machines well with all hand and power tools.

Seasoning:  Should dry slowly to prevent warping and checking.

A typical specimen for Tineo (Weinmannia, trichosperma)